The light is useful when the room you are in is lit from behind so it doesnt cast a shadow. It is flexible and easy to adjust. The magnifier helps when doing needlework SHANNON H.
This is a very bright head torch which benefits from the spread of LEDs giving you a much broader light source. Super lightweight easy to use and charge A. P-R.
Fantastic for the night sky plus stuff down here on earth like planes etc. These have a stupendous amount of magnification they leave my other binoculars for dead Forget any other binos you ever looked thru JAMES
Well made sturdy construction nice sized screen sharp picture played both Pal and NTSC video DVDs also played audio CDs All in all a very good buy J. MCCARTHY
Great way to see what bird life you have in your garden! The product is designed well with easy access to the feeding reservoir and the camera A.S. GREEN
So glad to have got a pair and relatively easy to get started. The pictures have been clear and precise they are also very lightweight to hold for long periods TONY WILLIAMS