Toenail Soft

Toenail Soft


    Consumer Verdict
    Does as it says. Soften the nails results show in a short time if used regularly MRS LINDA MC MARR
    Miracure? Anti-Fungal Treatment
      Consumer Verdict
      5 stars... It certainly is working on my husbands foot problem and so easy to apply HOOPSKI
      Magnetic Thumb Support - Pair
        Consumer Verdict
        They are great would recommend them to anyone with hand/wrist problems MRS JONES
        Arthritis Gloves
        Consumer Verdict
        Mom... has the onset of arthritis. These gloves have helped her a great deal. TANY
        Copper and Bamboo Knee Joint Support
          Consumer Verdict
          Very happy with this knee support. I like it because it is lightweight and easy to put on MO
          Finger Hand Exerciser - Set of 2
            Long Handled Reacher
            Consumer Verdict
            Purchased for elderly father who is very happy with it, especially as it picks up small items easily. MERVYN EASTBURY
            In-Growing Toenail Clippers
              Consumer Verdict
              Always had trouble with in-growing toenails on my big toes... these clippers handled well I have not had any trouble since J. D. H.
              Ankle magnetic support
                Consumer Verdict
                I bought these for my wife who suffers from osteoarthritis she says they have really helped her while out walking TOM
                Easy Reach Body Brush
                  Consumer Verdict
                  Brilliant especially if you are a little stiff in the joints just what I needed to help me when showering it exfoliates the skin leaving me feeling clean and fresh DORA FAY
                  Mug Carrier

                  Mug Carrier


                  Consumer Verdict
                  I can put items I need on my rollator add hot drink bottle of water biscuits etc even my mobile and do just one trip. Gives me independence and confidence C. KELLY
                  Hand Therapy Exercise Balls
                    Proto-Col Collagen Capsules
                      Web Expert Verdict
                      As a nutritional supplement proto-col capsules have shown promising results in providing pain relief for arthritis and osteoporosis. PROF GREG WHYTE OBE PhD DSc FBASES FACSM
                      Proto-Col Eye Lift Serum
                        Consumer Verdict
                        As a 76-year-old lady Ive certainly got a few lines and wrinkles. This product literally took 10 years off me immediately a massive winner! JEAN G.
                        Safety Handle for Shower and Bath
                        Consumer Verdict
                        Easy to install and makes one feel secure while showering. EDITH MCDONALD
                        Sciaticure Dermal Patch
                          Sock Aid

                          Sock Aid


                            Magnetic Knee Therapy, Set of 2
                              Consumer Verdict
                              I bought these for my wife who suffers from osteoarthritis she says they have really helped her while out walking TOM
                              Ultimate Grip Kit
                                Web Panel Verdict
                                Having limited dexterity and/or weak grip can restrict the type of containers you can open. This ultimate grip kit will help you open multiple containers with ease.
                                Portable Chair Desk
                                  Consumer Verdict
                                  Gift for my sister and she loved it it works great for what she needs and would highly recommend the product BRENDA
                                  Battery-Operated Automatic Nail Trimmer
                                    Consumer Verdict
                                    I have always had problems keeping the nails on my right hand in neat trim being right handed This device does it so easily neatly and cleanly my toe nails are a doddle as well ROGER
                                    Medo Hair Shampoo - 200ml
                                      Consumer Verdict
                                      The best things I have ever tried. My hair was lifeless and dull until I tried your products now my hair is lovely full of life and so silky A.M.
                                        Consumer Verdict
                                        The best things I have ever tried. My hair was lifeless and dull until I tried your products now my hair is lovely full of life and so silky A.M.
                                        Glucosamine Gold Gel - 200ml
                                          Consumer Verdict
                                          Love this product!!! Was introduced to it by a friend when I had bad joint pain I have since introduced it to loads of friends and family who also love it!! Would recommend this item to anyone with joint/muscle pain AMY